



在 NestJS 中,依赖注入是一个核心概念,用于管理应用程序的组件和服务之间的依赖关系。 这种模式通过提供一个容器(NestContainer)来解决类之间的依赖关系, 使得代码更加模块化、可测试且易于维护。

Dependency Injection system of Nest.js


  • The Dependency Injection(DI) pattern

    • is frequently used today by the bigest framework.
  • It is a way

    • to keep code clean and easier to use.
  • By using this pattern

    • you end up with fewer coupled components
    • and more reusable ones
    • which helps accelerate the development process time
  • Nest.js is based on Angular in terms of architecture

    • is used to create
      • testable
      • scalable
      • lossely-coupled
      • easily maintainable application
  • As is the case with Angular

    • Nest.js has ite own dependency injection system
      • which is part of the core of the framework
      • meaning that Nest.js is less dependent on a third-party library.


  • 依赖注入模式

    • 目前最大的框架都京城使用这种模式
    • 这是一种保持代码简洁、更易于使用的方法
    • 使用这种模式可以减少耦合组件的数量,增加可重用组件的数量,从而加快开发进程
  • Nest.js在架构上基于Angular

    • 用于创建:可测试、可扩展、松耦合和易维护的应用程序
    • 与Angular一样,Nest.js也有自己的依赖注入系统
      • 这是架构核心的一部分
      • 这意味着Nest.js对第三方库的依赖性较低


  • dependency injection pattern

    • 依赖注入
  • frequently used today

    • 现今经常被使用
  • keep code clean
    • 保持代码整洁
  • easier to use
    • 更易于使用
  • fewer coupled components
    • 较少的耦合组件
  • more reusable components

    • 更多可重用组件
  • accelerate the development process time

    • 加速开发过程
  • based on Angular

    • 基于...
  • in terms of architecture

    • 在架构方面
  • create testable, scalable, loosely-coupled and easily maintainable application

    • 创建可测试、可扩展、松耦合且易于维护的应用程序
  • has its own dependency injection system

    • 拥有自己的依赖注入系统
  • part of the core of the framework

    • ...的核心部分
  • less dependent on a third-party library

    • 较少依赖第三方库

Overview of Dependency Injection

  • Since TypeScript 1.5

    • introduces the notion of the decorator
  • you can do meta-programming

    • using the added metadata provided by using a decorator on different objects or properties
      • such as
        • class
        • function
        • function parameters
        • class property
  • meta-programming

    • is the ability
      • to write some code or program
        • using the metadata describing on object
  • The type of program

    • allows you to modify the functioning of a program
      • using its own metadata
        • this metadata is of interest to us
        • because it helps inject some object into another object
        • whose name is Dependency Injection
  • By using the decorator

    • you can add metadata on any object or property linked to those decorators
    • To get or define metadata on any object
      • you can also use the reflect-metadata library in order to manipulate them


  • Typescript 1.5

    • 引入了装饰器的概念
  • Typescript Meta-programming

    • 是指使用描述对象的元数据编写代码或程序的能力
      • 这类程序允许你使用程序本身的元数据修改程序的功能
    • 可以在不同的对象上或属性(类,函数、函数参数、类属性)上使用装饰器提供的附加元数据进行元编程
    • 我们对元数据很感兴趣
      • 是因为它有助于将某个对象注入到另一个对象中,这就是所谓的依赖注入
  • 通过装饰器

    • 你可以再与这些装饰器链接的任何对象或属性上添加元数据
      • 这将定义使用装饰器的对象类型
      • 但也可以定义函数所需的所有参数
        • 这些参数的元数据中都有描述
        • 要获取或定义任何对象的元数据
        • 可以使用reflect-metadata库来操作它们


Why use Dependency Injection

  • The real interest in using Dependency Injection

    • is that the object will be less coupled between the dependent and its dependencies
  • With the framework

    • that provides the injector system
      • you can manage your objects without thinking about the instanciation fo them
        • because that is managed by the injector
        • which is there to resolve the dependencies of every dependent object.
  • This means it is easier

    • to write test and mock dependencies
    • which are much cleaner and more readable


  • 使用依赖注入的真正好处在于
    • 对象依赖对象之间的耦合度会更低
    • 有了提供注入系统的框架,你就可以管理你的对象,而无需考虑对象的实例化
      • 因为这是注入器管理的,注入器会解决每个依赖对象的依赖关系
    • 这意味着更容易编写测试和模拟依赖关系
      • 从而使测试更简洁、可读性更高